By now, most in my network have noticed that the unique form of journalism at BIG Media is superior to that of our news media rivals in terms of accuracy and integrity.
Having accomplished scientists and engineers do the research and present their findings logically, transparently (fully cited), and without sensationalism or expert testimony, is simply a better way to cover the big issues.
For now, we are just a diminutive David aiming an under-sized slingshot at the misguided Goliaths of the news media world.
But this year, we take our shot.
My resolutions for 2025 are big, and they are bold. And they will only come to fruition with your support.
Here are my BIG Goals for 2025 along with information about how you can help elevate our platform to a global editorial powerhouse, thereby providing people around the world with practical knowledge without the divisive influences of sensationalism and bias:
5. Add at least one writer per month from a country currently unrepresented on our team of freelance writers. (Check your network for people who meet the four key requirements for being a BIG Media contributor – good with words, good with data, good with logic, good person – and introduce me. It might even be you.)
4. Increase content flow to an average of one BIG Scoop per day. (Provide story ideas and editorial feedback that help us deliver mind-blowing/enlightening coverage every day.)
3. Reach 50,000 subscribers. (If you have not yet done so, become a member at BIG Media, and tell your friends and associates to do the same.)
2. Raise $1 million to help make all of this happen. (Join DoughNation by contributing funds that help us grow – BIG Media DoughNation)
- Have subscribers in at least 50 countries to help spread facts and logic throughout the world. (Talk to me about being a “satellite quarterback” who shares BIG content with their networks.)
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2025)