BIG Scoop
Mind-blowing, fact-filled story that you need to read
Has Canada become a legitimate security threat to the United States?
Some pundits suggest that annexation rhetoric and threats of disproportionate tariffs from the United States against Canada is a classic example of a stalking horse, and simply a tactic out of Donald Trump’s book, The Art of the Deal. A stalking horse is a ploy to gain, through leverage, a favorable outcome without showing your high cards. In this article, I explore the idea that the more favorable outcome sought by the U.S. from its northern...
Sorry to break it to you – there is no such thing as (energy) miracles
I recently stumbled upon a surprising headline for a LinkedIn post that has sparked considerable engagement for its “Clean Energy Strategist” author: “Engineers Just Solved Winter’s Biggest Energy Problem (And It’s Better Than Anyone Thought Possible)” Wow! Fantastic! All that fussing and hand-wringing about people having sufficient energy to heat their homes in the winter, and presto! Those brilliant engineers have just solved the problem! And there is no doubt keeping warm in winter is a big...
You might not want to talk about COVID, but it needs to happen
"I don't want to talk about COVID. It's over." That is a common refrain for people who blindly trusted government and medical officials during the COVID pandemic. Most do not want to talk about it because they do not want to face the fact that they were played, and that they – especially those who publicly defended dishonest officials and vilified those who opposed government restrictions and mandates – had unwittingly become soldiers fighting for forces...
Examination of house prices confirms that market size matters
Sometimes when one dives into the data, there are assumptions about anticipated findings that are completely overturned by the raw numbers. On other occasions – as is the case on this project – the data confirms the original assumptions, but provides clarification and deeper understanding. It is unlikely to surprise anyone to learn that house prices in larger cities are typically more expensive than in smaller cities. It is widely known that your average homebuyer...
U.S. agencies on high alert for cyber attacks as midterm elections approach
As much of the western world anxiously awaits the U.S. midterm elections on Nov. 8, political rhetoric and irresponsible media coverage are amping up. While ill-informed (or ill-intentioned) media reporters and editors continue to use phrasing such as "baseless", "bogus" and "false claims" – and perhaps the favourite: "conspiracy theories" – to describe any insinuation that it is possible that a U.S. election could be tampered with significantly, sensible humans are simply hoping for a fair...