While executing a media business model based entirely on truth, I have adopted a personal policy of radical honesty, which means that I strive to be completely honest in all of my words and actions. This translates to losing touch with some friends and associates, but my theory is that I have deeper, more meaningful relationships with those who can tolerate my authentic self.
I grant myself exemptions in my humour writing, which serves as a nice get-out-of-jail card when things get overheated – e.g. “What?! No, I was kidding, obviously … you do know that I am a humour writer and must always test new material. Sheesh! As if!”
Here are five scenarios in which being completely honest has changed my choice of words.
- When I call someone and they answer with an indignant, “I can’t talk now; I am in a meeting!”
Old Rob: “Oh, sorry about that – I will try again later.”
New Rob: “Well, then why did you answer the phone?!”
- When a friend asks me if he/she looks good in a particular outfit, and they do not …
Old Rob: “You look radiant!”
New Rob: “You look like a double cheeseburger in a hotdog bun.”
- When someone asks who is the favourite among my children …
Old Rob: “They are all such angels; I love them all equally.”
New Rob: “The one who bought me a KitKat on my birthday.”
- When someone asks me if I would like to help them move appliances to their new home …
Old Rob: “Sure, I would be glad to help.”
New Rob: “I almost died last time I did that. I suggest hiring professionals.”
- When someone asks me to name a media company whose principal agenda is focused on facts and truth …
Old Rob: “I cannot think of one.”
New Rob: “BIG Media” 🙂
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2021)