Tuesday, September 17, 2024

BIG news – from A-Z, our content is the best you will see!

I don’t like to brag (says only someone who is about to brag), but we have produced a heck of a lot of exceptional journalism in the 3+ years since launching BIG Media.

To back up that claim, I include below a list from A-Z of topics that we have covered.

And I don’t mean the kind of articles that you see at our news rivals’ sites – typically featuring a few expert quotes (aka agenda-driven opinions) and, if you are lucky, one or two morsels of cherry-picked data.

Rather, I am talking about great pieces of responsible journalism. You know, the kind of coverage that includes thorough research and sticks to verifiable facts and logical interpretation … documented by accomplished scientists.

The only stretch in my editorial alphabet is under the letter Y, but if you go to the bottom of the search results for that word, you will see Y that word rose to the occasion.

Now, let’s play a game.

Pick a topic from the list, do a search of that category in the upper-right corner of this page, and do the same with any other news source.

Compare the integrity of the respective news coverage, then head back here, subscribe, and be part of the change.

If you have already signed up, tell your friends to play along. This game is safe and effective for the whole family!

And go …

  •    Abortion law
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Bad science
    • Bayes’ Theorem
    • Biomedical ethics
    • Carbon capture
    • Causes of death during the pandemic
    • Censorship
    • Climate change context
  • Climate modelling
    • Climate policy
    • Climate science
    • CO2 in the troposphere
    • Coffee
    • COVID-19 collateral damage
    • COVID-19 relative lethality
    • COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness
    • COVID-19 vaccine side effects
    • COVID vs the flu
    • Critical minerals
    • Defibrillators
    • Drugs and crime
    • Earth’s history
    • Electrical grid
    • Emergencies Act
    • Energy crises
    • Energy density
    • Energy policy
    • Energy prices
    • Energy security
    • Energy transition
    • Ethics in social media
    • Excess deaths
    • Fracking
    • Game theory
    • Geothermal energy
    • Glacial recession
    • Global emissions
    • “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Grocery prices
    • Hate laws
    • Historical weather patterns
    • Hydrogen
    • Hypocrisy
    • Ice ages
    • Is Canada broken?
    • Judgment
    • Kindness and its perils
    • Litigating climate
    • Masks
    • Mathematics
    • Meat
    • Mental health
    • Microplastics
    • Misinformation/disinformation
    • Monkey pox
    • National debt
    • News media
    • Obesity
    • Oil reserves
    • Pandemic policy
    • Pandemic restriction legal challenges
    • Peer review process
    • Plastic prejudice
    • Pipe infrastructure
    • Polar bear population
    • Politics
    • Questioning authority
    • Recycling
    • Renewable energy
    • Science – fundamental principles
    • Science and music
    • Sea level rise
    • Sleep
    • Suicide
    • Sun exposure/skin cancer
    • Thermal physics
    • Triage
    • Ubiquitous exponential
    • Understanding science
    • Vaccine history
    • Vitamins and supplements
    • Water mains
    • Xenophobia
    • Yeast
    • Zero emission targets

If you have trouble locating a great article on any subject, type the topic in a comment below, and I will reply with a direct link.

Rob Driscoll
Rob Driscoll
Rob Driscoll is co-founder and president of BIG Media Ltd. He is a writer and entrepreneur who is deeply committed to elevating the level of coverage of our society's most pressing matters as well as the level of respect in public discourse.

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