Friday, July 26, 2024

Censorship abounds

Most of you are likely aware that the large media companies, including the social media giants, have taken certain positions on issues such as COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccines, and climate change.

Often when I post commentary that is contrary to their corporate viewpoints, my messages are deleted, hidden, or pushed down the feed so virtually nobody sees them. Two weeks ago, I was denied access to my LinkedIn account, from which I had been doing most of my communicating with those in my network. The three items that LinkedIn claimed violated their public safety policies did not contain any false claims or misleading information. But they were counter to LinkedIn’s “position”.

I would understand a slap on the wrist if I was spreading misinformation, but I don’t think you will find anything in any of my hundreds of posts and articles over the last two years that is false. When I was made aware recently that a data-entry error in the provincial death database had resulted in a statement I made being inaccurate, I immediately made the change and announced the update publicly –

I sometimes have strong opinions, but they are generally backed up by the incredible work of BIG Media’s editorial team, and by studies from top research institutions that I monitor on a daily basis. I enjoy seeing my work and that of my colleagues challenged, but I am not OK with censorship of factual information.

With that in mind, I have set up a newsletter on, a platform that celebrates writers and freedom of speech.

Please email me at to be added to my contact list.


Robert Driscoll
Robert Driscoll
Dad, writer, entrepreneur, beach volleyball enthusiast



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