Saturday, July 27, 2024

Global Affairs Canada suffers ‘cyber attack’

Global Affairs Canada is scrambling to recover after a multi-day network disruption that security and government sources describe as a “cyber attack”, Global News reports. While neither Global Affairs nor Canada’s cyber security agency, the Communications Security Establishment, could immediately comment, sources tell Global News the government is concerned the attack was conducted by Russia or Russian-backed hackers. “GAC has been the target of a cyber attack, but it is not clear if the Russians, the alleged perpetrators, hacked into the system or were able to merely disrupt its service,” a national security source, who spoke on the condition they not be named, told Global News. The Liberal government has been vocal in its support for Ukraine as Russia amasses troops on the former Soviet state’s borders, with Ottawa announcing a $120-million loan to the Ukrainian government last week and re-committing Canadian soldiers to train Kyiv’s security forces.

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