Saturday, September 7, 2024

In Switzerland, Heating Rooms Above 19C May Be Legally Punishable

In Switzerland, Heating Rooms Above 19C May Be Legally Punishable

Maybe 3 years in the slammer.

“Switzerland considers JAILING [caps mine] anyone who heats rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to Ukraine war

The country could also give fines of up to 3,000 Swiss Francs (£2,667)
In gas-heated buildings, water could not be heated to more than 60C (140F)
Radiant heaters would be banned and saunas and swimming pools would have to be cold

Likely that the proposed measures will be subject to challenges and disputes  


PUBLISHED: 23:09 AEST, 7 September 2022 | UPDATED: 23:30 AEST, 7 September 2022

Switzerland is considering jailing anyone who heats their rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to the Ukraine war.  

The country could also give fines to those who violate the proposed new regulations.”

Green Champion Switzerland: Jail Time If you Heat Your Home Above 19C / 66F

Stephen Heins
Stephen Heins
My Story So, here is my story, I have no earthy college degrees, a couple of French courses short. I have been a very good golfer, basketball player, small town boy, six time winner of greased pig contest, big city man, businessman, interstate highway drifter, high and low plains America adventurer, self-indulgent, distant father, auto-didactic, Ivy Leaguer, scholar, student, lost soul, historian, art historian, musicologist, poet, poetry aficionado, business writer, economist, “Blizzard of One” broadband “David” to high speed Internet “Goliaths,” Internet Open Access champion, practical environmentalist, energy efficiency expert, member of Chicago Climate Exchange, 3-times matrimony loser, lobbyist, technology theorist, Bakken Basin podcaster, energy practical, political advocate pain in the ass and all around gadfly simply… because I was self-appointed. It's so much easier, now that I confessed. Steve Heins

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