The media organizations that accepted and promoted the words of medical officials and politicians without proper investigation and analysis over the last few years do not deserve your attention.
The New York Times, the Economist, the Globe & Mail, CNN, CBC, CTV – they all got the pandemic wrong. The coverage was no better throughout Europe and Down Under.
News companies stopped conducting good journalism and relentlessly published content that convinced most that the lock-down-and-take-your-shot approach to COVID-19 was a moral imperative. They became the perfect puppets of politicians and pharmaceutical companies.
Here is one comparison of good versus irresponsible journalism: COVID clarification – a tale of two tales
The mainstream news agencies almost unanimously covered a grand total of one side of the story, pushing the idea that new mRNA vaccines were “safe and effective” – even though simple facts and logic indicated otherwise.
It is not a stretch to say that many young lives were lost or severely harmed as a result of inaccurate and/or highly biased news.
While our mainstream competitors were falling all over themselves to scare the heck out of you with unprecedented levels of cherry picking and sensationalism, my team at BIG Media was analysing data and presenting the findings logically and objectively.
Here is a telling excerpt from an article by data scientist Laurie Weston, who examined data in the Canadian province of Alberta:
“(Among) men age 35–39, there were 195 additional deaths in the four AHSU categories in 2021, relative to 2019 (pre COVID), which is 1,625% higher than the 12 COVID deaths over the same period. That should have made headlines.”
But it did not make the headlines, and it is still not making the headlines. The politicians are not apologizing or correcting their statements. Neither are the medical officials. And the news companies continue to pretend that their coverage was not inaccurate.
Remarkably, healthy people in some western countries are still being advised by medical officials to take COVID vaccines that do not prevent transmission and cause myriad serious side effects. Many news companies continue to cover one side of the story, essentially providing free advertising to bad actors who continue to profit from a disastrous experiment on humans.
Gullible consumers of news who lap up the sensationalism and lies are part of the problem.
They reward irresponsible “journalism” with their eyes and ears – and therefore profits from advertisers – so we continue to face a barrage of misleading information.
How do you make things better? You tune out the news organizations that lied to you, and you support the minuscule number of news organizations that prioritize accuracy and integrity over profits.
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2023)