Saturday, July 27, 2024

Taiwan scrambles air force as Chinese warplanes cross median line

(Al Jazeera Media Network) Taiwan sent up fighters and deployed ships and land-based missile systems to keep watch on Chinese aircraft on Sunday after spotting 10 Chinese warplanes crossing the median line, which separates the two sides, of the Taiwan Strait.

The island’s defence ministry said four Chinese warships also carried out combat patrols.

This is the second time in less than a week that Taiwan has reported renewed Chinese military activity after 37 Chinese military aircraft flew into the island’s air defence zone, some of which then flew into the western Pacific on Thursday.

China, which views democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, has regularly flown its air force into the skies near the island over the past three years. However, they have not entered Taiwan’s territorial air space.

China’s defence ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment. It has not commented on Thursday’s flights.

China has previously said such missions are to protect the country’s sovereignty and aimed at “collusion” between Taiwan and the United States, the island’s most important international backer and arms seller.

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