Monday, February 24, 2025

Yours truly … and journalistically

Some contemporaries contend that I am a cantankerous contrarian who likes to create controversy by criticizing the status quo.

That sentiment is understandable when you look at some of my recent articles:

Really nice people are a really big problem

Top 5 Ways Mainstream Media Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

April Fool’s Day is officially no fun at all

However, those who know me well know that I am an optimist who wants to get the most out of life while trying to make sure his children (two of whom are with me in the adjacent photo) and future grandchildren have the opportunity to do the same.

I also care deeply about truth and journalistic integrity: The BIG story – truth and integrity are cornerstones of this media model

Some folks look at me as a crazy anti-vax conspiracy theorist.

However, those who know me well know that I take pride in my health and my brain – and would never dream of taking an unproven drug (with proven side effects) to supposedly combat a virus that in the vast majority of cases was having little or no effect on healthy people.

Shortly after I launched in early 2021, we published an article celebrating successes of vaccines in eradicating such diseases as polio and smallpox: Vaccines – a historical perspective. We were all hopeful that someone would come up with a safe, effective vaccine that could be taken by the unhealthy people who faced significant risks if infected with COVID-19.

Well, that certainly did not happen. And rather than give everyone free passes for some of the biggest “oopsies” in the history of humanity, I choose to work with my editorial team to help people understand what went wrong and what we can learn from the mistakes – Learning from pandemic policy missteps is critical

Some folks think that I am a “climate denier” who is nothing more than a shill of the petroleum industry.

However, those who know me well know that I care deeply about the environment and believe that climate alarmism is doing more to harm humanity than fossil fuels.

We will be better able to protect Earth if we better understand what is actually happening to the planet – How to talk to a journalist who uses the term ‘climate change denier’

Contrary to my tongue-in-cheek commentary in the first article in the list above, I am not a jerk. I actually want the best for my family and yours.

That is why I launched a news platform with great accuracy and transparency. That is why I recruited the most intelligent, good-hearted people I could find to tell us the truth about the big issues.

More than ever, it is important to be properly informed about the most pressing matters. If you have not yet done so, give a chance to show you how good it feels to be empowered with practical knowledge regarding such issues as pandemics, climate change, and energy transition.

(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2023)

Rob Driscoll
Rob Driscoll
Rob Driscoll is co-founder and president of BIG Media Ltd. He is a writer and entrepreneur who is deeply committed to elevating the level of coverage of our society's most pressing matters as well as the level of respect in public discourse.

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