Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Political party patronage pushes people down polarizing path

Has anyone else grown weary of personal attacks on politicians? So many in my network have been completely sucked into the political polarization vortex, spouting vitriol about people and groups they know little about. Republican, Democrat; Liberal, Conservative, Labour, Reform – we pick a side and then completely ignore the misgivings of our team while heaping criticism on the other side. Such behaviour is fun and harmless when it comes to backing professional sports teams, but it is terribly harmful when it comes to politics. Why...

Calling all critical thinkers who care

Attention, critical thinkers with high integrity: You are not alone. Yes, it has been a frustrating past decade, watching much of the western world being run by ill-intentioned fools and elitist narcissists. But there is hope. We are assembling a community of people with brains and hearts who want to help make the world a better place for our children, our grandchildren, and ourselves. We believe that the best way to forge a path of prosperity and harmony is to help...

Canadians are failing an important psychology test

Last Saturday, I was excited to watch Team Canada take on the United States in a hockey matchup that I contend featured the most talented collection of players to ever take the ice. However, I got a sinking feeling just before the game when thousands of fans at Montreal's Bell Centre began booing as the U.S. anthem was sung (Montreal crowd boos US national anthem at USA vs Canada hockey game ). As a competitive athlete with...

BIG Media celebrates 4th birthday by opening package of editorial highlights

To mark BIG Media Ltd.'s fourth birthday today, I highlight some of the incredible work produced by our all-star editorial team. This list represents just a fraction of the amazing body of work from a team made up almost entirely of accomplished scientists and engineers, all of it assembled without sensationalism or expert testimony (if you wonder why we do this, please assess the accuracy of our news content versus that of any media organization that uses...

Criticized for my criticism, I invite your critique

A lot of people – including some close to me – have recommended that I be softer in my approach to illustrating the differences between BIG Media and other news platforms. They believe it reflects poorly on me and BIG Media Ltd. when I direct harsh criticism toward news media rivals. They believe it is unwise to write articles such as these: "Deciphering how (almost all) news media organizations get things so horribly wrong" "Reported culpability...

Give peace – and Donald Trump – a chance

As President Donald Trump takes office today, I invite those in my network to take an optimistic attitude toward the next four years. Imagine if Mr. Trump and his leadership team are actually able to help put an end to the daily slaughter of Ukrainian, Russian – and now North Korean – soldiers? (For the record, I value the lives of soldiers as much as civilians, as the men and women who fight for their countries are...

BIG Media is #1 in news accuracy – prove me wrong!

Many of you will consider it preposterous for me to suggest that in less than four years, BIG Media has become the most accurate English-language news platform on the planet. But I believe this to be the case, and I challenge you to try to prove me wrong. It will be easy to investigate because our editorial contributors at BIG Media focus on verifiable facts and logic, and provide comprehensive attribution so you can do your own...

Yeah, Baby! We can all take lessons from toddlers’ curiosity and exploration

I had the incredibly good fortune over the holidays to spend a lot of time with family. My wife and I travelled to B.C. over Christmas to visit with both sons and their families, then our older son, his wife and baby son joined us in Calgary for new year’s. It was my first opportunity since my own sons were little to spend a lot of time with a bright, inquisitive infant. It was an eye-opening experience, because as a grandfather...

BIG resolutions and BIG asks for 2025

By now, most in my network have noticed that the unique form of journalism at BIG Media is superior to that of our news media rivals in terms of accuracy and integrity. Having accomplished scientists and engineers do the research and present their findings logically, transparently (fully cited), and without sensationalism or expert testimony, is simply a better way to cover the big issues. For now, we are just a diminutive David aiming an under-sized slingshot at the...

My Top 10 Lessons Learned in 2024

In putting a bow on an amazing year of coverage from the incredible editorial team at BIG-Media.ca, I present my Top 10 Lessons Learned in 2024 (for each point, I have included a link that allows you to learn quickly if this is new information) ... 10. The U.S. government is finally starting to acknowledge government-directed COVID disinformation and the great harm done by the "lock-down-and-vaccinate" response to the COVID-19 pandemic – FINAL REPORT: COVID...