Sunday, February 16, 2025

BIG Mouth

We must help our friends escape Stockholm syndrome

All I want for Christmas this year is for the millions of people suffering from Stockholm syndrome to overcome an ailment that is agonizing not just for those afflicted, but for everyone around them. Wikipedia defines Stockholm syndrome as "a proposed condition or theory that tries to explain why hostages sometimes develop a psychological bond with their captors." The Grinches across the globe who gobbled up the grey matter of the gullible have been having their way with way too many...

Take the red pill before it’s too late!

In the action drama that is our modern life, far too many people have been consuming a steady diet of blue bills. And I am not talking about the blue pills that inspire aging leading men to reach the climax before their character is removed from the script. Rather, I am referring to the blue pills that allow people to continue living in (sometimes) blissful ignorance under the illusion of the Matrix. Those unwilling to take the other pill should stop reading...

I admit it – I am an environmental activist!

Many assume that because I often publish articles criticizing and debunking climate alarmism, I must not care about the environment. This is simply not the case; I care a lot about the environment. In fact, technically, I qualify as an environmental activist. My activism starts with my personal life: I use my legs instead of an automobile to get around town, I purchase minimal packaging, I live in a small home, I have few possessions, and at least 90% of...

Turning down the temperature on the climate catastrophe debate

Dear gentleman at the restaurant who told me that he is instructing his children to avoid having kids because "It's unfair to have kids with the soaring temperatures and the climate catastrophe": Our weather here in Vancouver continues to be beautifully unpredictable in the short term but pretty darn steady – as documented in the adjacent chart using data from Environment and Climate Change Canada – when you look at the big picture. And the global...

Democratic Party’s ‘Good vs Evil’ campaign dies in its bed of lies

If you believed that the U.S. election was a case of Good vs Evil, you received information from unreliable sources. Some of those sources are now busy sticking microphones in the faces of hicks from the sticks in an effort to make it look like the U.S. simply has too many dumb people who don't understand left from wrong. The truth is that millions of U.S. residents lost faith in a Democratic Party that portrayed itself as morally...

Mild-mannered critical thinkers need to start matching effort level of climate warriors

It occurred to me today that alarmists have ruled the societal roost in recent years because they try harder. When generally ill-informed climate warriors come across a (usually bogus) piece of climate science or journalism, the alarmists unite and go nuts. They blog, vlog, protest, post, and share the heck out of content that has convinced far too many that the world is burning and that every major storm is a direct result of anthropogenic climate change. Meanwhile, intelligent, rational...

Have your fun online … but don’t forget to visit Planet Reality on occasion

Sure, it’s fun to play around online and have Google tell you what you WANT to hear — The 'bias machine': How Google tells you what you want to hear It sure makes us feel smart and virtuous. But it is very important to drop by and be exposed to what you NEED to hear from time to time. Imagine how much stress and embarrassment you could have avoided if, as COVID-19 raced around the world,...

Alternative news sites (with one exception) are no better than mainstream media

Many in my network believe that the answer to a badly broken mainstream media model is to follow alternative news sources. Some of those fiery upstarts are pushing back hard against the establishment, publishing news and opinions that contradict the ubiquitous garbage we have been seeing from large news organizations in recent years. Have these alternative voices brought truth and integrity back to the news industry? Nope. Not even close. Same crap. Different piles. In the last four years,...

Breaking news – it’s OK to have babies

Many people thought that I was crazy to have seven children. Many think it is irresponsible to have a large family with Earth's population having surpassed 8 billion. Many believe it is selfish to have any children at all because of the "climate catastrophe". (Those quotation marks are there for a reason. Stay tuned for more on that.) In reality, our world has more than enough space and resources for us as we develop more efficient and...

BIG news – from A-Z, our content is the best you will see!

I don't like to brag (says only someone who is about to brag), but we have produced a heck of a lot of exceptional journalism in the 3+ years since launching BIG Media. To back up that claim, I include below a list from A-Z of topics that we have covered. And I don't mean the kind of articles that you see at our news rivals' sites – typically featuring a few expert quotes (aka agenda-driven...