Saturday, July 27, 2024

BIG Mouth

Are you a ‘persuadable’? Simple test facilitates self-diagnosis and provides immediate cure!

Many millions of educated, rational people in the western world are asking themselves, "How did this happen – how did such foolish and morally bankrupt people get into the highest positions of influence in politics, the medical community, and in the environmental realm?" I believe it is all about the persuadables. Many politicians and high-ranking officials target the unfortunately high percentage of the population that is easily persuaded. They manipulate the persuadables through fear-mongering and orchestrated disinformation...

Charting an informative course

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a good infographic might be worth about a million. My team of scientist/journalists, with support from infographic wiz Muriel Protzer, has produced many mind-blowingly educational graphics. To follow are some of our best, and I will include no words of interpretation; the data and images tell important stories on their own: Link: copy-infographic-modern-1h0n25y850oxz6p?live"] Source: Alberta government (Alberta data)

The most un-Canadian article you will ever read

Warning: to follow is a very un-Canadian article that will trigger many. There will be no modesty in this article. There will be no apology in this article. Some of you will find it obnoxiously arrogant. Some will feel inclined to knock me down a few pegs. That is OK – in three years of documenting facts in the face of powerful conflicting narratives, my skin rivals that of an alligator ... and that is no...

BIG Media’s Top 10 Myths Busted

In three years of covering the big issues with verifiable facts and logical interpretation, we have dispelled many myths.   Today, I present the Top 10 Myths Busted by BIG Media's Editorial Team ... accompanied by evidence for each item:   A climate catastrophe is upon us as we experience the hottest temperatures ever ... and it's all because of the oil and gas industry, obviously –;   The Canadian government was completely justified in using...

My war against really nice people – Part 2

Having endured a barrage of insults stemming from my article titled "Really nice people are a really big problem" (, I feel inspired to make it a two-part series. In my crosshairs today are the friendly folks who enthusiastically load their recycling bins to the brim, with the telling smile of someone who is doing their part to save the world from environmental disaster. One problem – these righteous recyclers are arguably the worst offenders when...

Celebrating entrepreneurial scientist Laurie Weston on International Women’s Day

This International Women's Day, I celebrate my BIG Media Ltd. co-founder Laurie Weston. Laurie is a sensational scientist, exceptional entrepreneur, marvellous mother/grandmother, and fantastic friend. Her international geophysics firm Sound QI Solutions, through its proprietary QI-Pro software, is helping oil and gas explorers make seismic shifts in how they interpret data and pinpoint lucrative hydrocarbon reservoirs. Said a geoscientist from one of North America's leading energy companies: "The good news is that we are using QI-Pro in big ways right...

BIG Media Ltd. has big plans for editorial expansion

BIG Media Ltd. is looking to add to its editorial team as we introduce new levels of accuracy and integrity to the news media industry through our unique brand of journalism. You might be a good fit to write for us, or it could be someone in your network ... but note that we have very high standards, and that journalism schooling is detrimental in most cases (Colleen Stewart, you are the only exception to...

Top 10 lessons learned from working with incredible journalists over the last 3 years

In celebrating the third birthday of BIG Media Ltd. today, I present my ... Top 10 lessons learned from working with an incredible team of journalists over the last 3 years (title brevity is clearly not one of them): More and more people are coming to understand the importance of having access to a trustworthy, transparent, and very accurate source of news on the big issues Accomplished scientists who can write objectively and logically make...

The search for truth need not be an epic journey through time and misery

I have been reading many comments and quotes lately about how "the truth will eventually be revealed" – as in, it may take several years, but eventually we will understand what is actually going on in our world. That is a ridiculous and dangerous notion to accept. We should not have to wait years to discover important facts. Particularly regarding the big issues, fundamental truths should always be publicly available. We have been exposing the truth since the day...

Emergencies Act ruling should have surprised no one

Many Canadians were taken off guard this week when a judge ruled that the federal government's implementation of the Emergencies Act on February 14, 2022, was "not justified". But it would not have surprised anyone who read The Canadian prime minister's emergency act. Written by BIG Media Ltd. chief legal correspondent Kevin Burron immediately after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's unprecedented move, the article provided logical, fact-focused analysis and left little doubt that putting into effect the...