Friday, July 26, 2024

BIG Mouth

Ferraris, Fiats, and the plastic paradox

Have you ever looked closely at a Ferrari? It’s more than a car, isn’t it? I am among many people who find it to be more a work of art than a means of getting from Point A to Point B. The price of a Ferrari ensures that it is considered a status symbol. The design implies that the owner has impeccable taste, and the price implies that they have means … or at...

Post-secondary education system is failing our young adults

As a society, we have allowed our top educational institutions to be overrun by so-called progressives who masquerade as academic elite but are often nothing more than propaganda-pumping puppets in a badly broken system. The curious public actions of three Ivy League presidents recently in sidestepping the question about whether students should be disciplined for calling for the genocide of Jews – College Presidents Under Fire After Dodging Questions About Antisemitism – was one symptom of dysfunction....

Beware the dangers of blind loyalty

Loyalty can be a beautiful thing in human relationships and business partnerships. However, loyalty can also have disastrous consequences. When your friend asks you to support them in illegal or immoral activity that would cause harm to another person or group, it is generally not a good idea to support them. The same principles apply in politics. If any person or group at any level of government is planning to implement – or has enacted – a policy that I...

Please join my search for an important missing property

I would like to issue an all-points bulletin on a stolen property. It’s a beautiful place that millions used to visit regularly with friends and associates. Sadly, it was stolen in broad daylight. The property is affectionately known as Middle Ground. Middle Ground was last noticed at a gathering in the summer of 2019 at which I heard someone say, “That’s a good point; I disagree with you, but constructive debate is an essential component of progress...

All I want for Christmas is … quite a lot, actually

Due to unpopular demand, I have decided to publish my 2023 Christmas Wish List. You are welcome to put any or all of them under my tree this year. Think of it as a great opportunity to experience the joy of giving. Those of you who have already given me some of these gifts are encouraged to go for a STRIKE, where you knock down all 5 items on the list. A special prize will be awarded...

The politicians who stole Christmas

In a news flash that is every bit as shocking as the sun rising today, a new poll indicates that Canadians are just not that in to paying exorbitant costs associated with the feds' fantastical fight to fix climate change. In a report published on Thursday (Carbon Tax: Perceptions of insufficient rebates, cost of living concern and questions over efficacy send support plummeting), pollster Angus Reid said: "Canadians have consistently voiced concerns over the increasing cost of...

One parent’s perspective on the gender identity issue

I recently celebrated the youngest of my seven children reaching adulthood. Helping my kids get to adulthood in good mental and physical health had been my #1 goal. There have been many ups and downs in my 31 years of parenting, and many lessons learned. One of the most difficult and arguably most important realizations was that teenage brains are complex and evolving. Sometimes hormonal changes make their brains short-circuit. Sometimes teenagers behave in irrational ways. It does...

Solving labour shortages, Step 1: hire back qualified people who were fired needlessly

Some of you might say that it is time to move past discussion of public policy missteps related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, leaders of many work environments – including large health-care organizations – stubbornly refuse to understand and react to fundamental truths, the acknowledgment of which could alleviate critical labour shortages.  Vaccine mandates were ill-founded from the outset, but even more absurd is the fact that there are still many jurisdictions in which employees who...

Practical education is the best path to harmony

The large news organizations are too focused on the pursuit of profits to realize that their irresponsible coverage and algorithms are at the heart of a deeply divided world.   It is a fool's game to expect the mainstream news companies to change their ways and revert to producing high-quality, education-focused journalism. The focus for them will forever be on the size and ongoing attention – rather than the intelligence – of the audience.   Change must come...

It’s time to hold news organizations accountable

The media organizations that accepted and promoted the words of medical officials and politicians without proper investigation and analysis over the last few years do not deserve your attention. The New York Times, the Economist, the Globe & Mail, CNN, CBC, CTV – they all got the pandemic wrong. The coverage was no better throughout Europe and Down Under. News companies stopped conducting good journalism and relentlessly published content that convinced most that the lock-down-and-take-your-shot approach...