Saturday, August 31, 2024

BIG Mouth

Open letter to media organizations – please stop!

Dear Media Friends, Please stop scaring the heck out of people by withholding information that might prevent them from freaking out. For example, when you report that there are a “record-smashing” 300,000 new cases of COVID-19 in India, could you please add some context? Like maybe mention to Canadians that India has roughly 102 times the population of Ontario, so the last daily report of 3,871 news cases in Ontario is higher per capita than India’s reported...

It’s time to start setting realistic goals for energy transition

Politicians and bureaucrats, pushed by demands to “do something” about climate change, are setting goals for reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions based on Paris Agreement targets or some other measure of “where we must be” by mid-century. In other words, they want to reach some emissions target by a certain time not too far in the future without having given any thought about how humanity can get there. It’s like me going to my doctor...

Top 7 reasons to dump the mask mandate

Having examined the dwindling COVID-19 numbers in Texas, it is clear that they are doing some things right. Vaccination and good weather are no doubt parts of the Lone Star State's success story, but I believe that dropping the mask mandate more than a month ago may also have helped. I stirred controversy seven months ago when I postulated in a LinkedIn post that the mask mandate might be counterproductive. Since then, I have seen...

Take me out to the ball game – with 40,000 friends!

When the Texas Rangers play host to my Toronto Blue Jays (I don't own them, but I cheer for them as if I do) at 3:05 p.m. Central today, the eyes of the sports world will be paying close attention. The eyes of the non-sports world will also be tuned in. Why? Because Globe Life Field in Arlington, Tex., is expected to be filled to its capacity of 40,300 humans. COVID-19 cases have plummeted since Governor Greg...

Weed + bears … when hiking high, is trouble bruin?

Picture this. It's a cloudy August day, the towering wall of Mount Yamnuska engulfed by the cool, murky mist. You are walking pensively through the forest and up along the expansive rocky stretches of trail. In your left-hand backpack pocket lies a half-smoked joint. Nuken, they call it – an indica hybrid you know well. You pull out your lighter and put the filter to your lips. Inhaling, you savour the peppery quality of the weed....

Is online news actually free?

A highly educated gentleman told me recently that he would never become a member of our new media company because "reading news on the Internet is free." Do you believe that reading information on media sites that do not charge for access is free? In my opinion, such sites come with great cost. First, there is the cost of contending with advertising popping up all over your screen. Some folks do not mind having their reading experience...

Top 6 ways BIG Media sticks to the truth

When I informed associates that I was launching a media company that would provide a trustworthy source of spin-free coverage of the most important matters, their inspiring responses included: “That is impossible!” “Everyone sells out.” And the classic, “Good luck with that!” A prospective shareholder asked, “How do you propose to avoid giving in to the pressure that seems to doom all others to agenda-driven coverage?” My answer is laid out in the ... Top 6...

Wildlife conservation – a big and often misunderstood game

Big-game hunting elicits high emotions around the world, but it plays an important role in the conservation of nature and wildlife in Africa, as well as in local economies. Before taking a public stand or making rash policy decisions, it is worth considering the facts. Trophy hunting is the highly visible and highly controversial apex of a complex wildlife, tourism and conservation industry in countries including South Africa. It is an easy target for animal-rights activists,...

Social media debate top 7

It is difficult to spend more than two minutes on social media without coming across people engaging in arguments that are unproductive and mean spirited.  I have always enjoyed a respectful debate and today offer my ... Top 7 Ways to Win a Debate on Social Media Do your research before engaging. Having relevant facts supported by data in your back pocket almost guarantees a good result. Be selective. Engaging in a battle of...

Middle Ground

I would like to issue an all-points bulletin on a stolen property. It’s a cherished piece of real estate that millions used to visit regularly with friends and associates. Sadly, it was stolen in broad daylight. The property is affectionately known as Middle Ground. Middle Ground was last noticed at a gathering last summer at which I heard someone say, “That’s a good point; I disagree with you, but I imagine the truth lies somewhere between our...