In putting a bow on an amazing year of coverage from the incredible editorial team at, I present my Top 10 Lessons Learned in 2024 (for each point, I have included a link that allows you to learn quickly if this is new information) …
10. The U.S. government is finally starting to acknowledge government-directed COVID disinformation and the great harm done by the “lock-down-and-vaccinate” response to the COVID-19 pandemic – FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward
9. Plastic recycling can be done effectively – “Dissecting common myths about plastics recycling”
8. A former top Democrat puts Republican president-elect Donald Trump to shame when it comes to corruption allegations – “U.S. jury finds Senator Menendez guilty in bribery trial”
7. “Peer reviewed” studies can be very inaccurate and misleading – “Real science requires real peer review”
6. Increasingly frequent pipe ruptures is a huge issue that must be addressed more seriously in municipal infrastructure budgeting – “Pipe problems – a detailed examination of what lies beneath us”
5. Even the top person at the United Nations will say laughable things to stoke fear and keep the money flowing – “Portuguese comic rising even faster than global sea level”
4. North American voters have had enough of the lies from the political left – “Democratic Party’s ‘Good vs Evil’ campaign dies in its bed of lies”
3. By many measures, my home country is broken – “Is Canada broken or not?”
2. China is laughing all the way to the bank as the western world weakens itself through pie-in-the-sky net-zero emission targets and ill-founded energy policies. “Are clean technologies and critical minerals the Trojan horse of the Chinese Communist Party”
1. Humanity is on a collision course with Big Tech as those who control artificial intelligence devour energy at exponentially increasing rates – “How AI is going to terminate us”
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2024)