Wow – I had the best Thanksgiving weekend!
An amazing turkey dinner with my family, followed by a spectacular light show performed by Mother Nature in the form of aurora borealis.
In a different kind of atmospheric bombardment, my weekend also included a lot of venturing into echo chambers and detonating truth bombs. So much fun!
Way back in the year 2020, you needed to have the skin of a rhinoceros to dare introduce a concept contrary to the prevailing narrative in a social media community. Of course, that was in the PBM (pre-BIG Media) era.
Nowadays, anyone can do it. You need only know how to copy and paste.
I am generally not a violent person, but I had an absolute blast over the weekend dropping bombs and watching the misinformed scramble (and, so far, always fail) to find any information to discredit my BIG contentions.
I call this exciting new game, “Burst Your Bubble”. Your opponents usually will not know they are part of the game, so you have a distinct advantage. I will illustrate scenarios that are perfect for playing BYB:
Your online adversary: publishes a post implying that humans are the creators and main drivers of climate change.
You: “Sorry if this offends you, but I am going to BURST YOUR BUBBLE!” Climate change and energy: context for the great debate BOOM!
Your opponent: posts a comment claiming that a deceased glacier on Iceland is a clear sign that we are facing an existential climate crisis.
You: “My apologies for being so blunt, but I am about to BURST YOUR BUBBLE!” Funeral for a glacier WHAM!
Your opponent: posts claim that COVID-19 is “just another flu.”
You: “Sorry, not sorry, to be the one to BURST YOUR BUBBLE!” COVID-19 is definitely not the flu BAM!
Your opponent: publishes a post implying that those who are hesitant to receive a COVID vaccine are selfish, dangerous morons.
You: “Sorry to have to do this, but I feel that I must BURST YOUR BUBBLE” Not a fan of fanning the flames of division POW!
Your opponent: Posts a comment saying that ubiquitous vaccination is a guaranteed path to eradicating COVID-19.
You: “I understand what you are saying, but I feel compelled to BURST YOUR BUBBLE!” Predicting vaccination rates and outcomes for the Delta variant SLAM!
Your opponent: posts a comment with a photo indicating that the sea level is rising dramatically in a particular coastal region and that widespread, catastrophic flooding is imminent.
You: “With all due respect, I cannot help but BURST YOUR BUBBLE!” Sea level is rising; should we be worried? KABOOM!
Be the first person on your block to have this incredible new game that everyone will want for Christmas … by signing up at the #1 site for truth and intelligence at BIG Media.
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2021)