Monday, February 10, 2025
Chris DeArmitt, PhD (polymers and surface science), is a plastic materials consultant and independent environmental expert, award-winning speaker, author, and class-action expert witness. Get the facts in 5 minutes by clicking on the website url.

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Most members at BIG Media Ltd. are successful people who subscribed here because they understand the importance of establishing a trustworthy and accurate source...

Business and Politics: til death do us part

I regularly see posts on LinkedIn scolding the general network for the sin of posting anything that could be considered political. The wording varies,...

Common Interests

Common Interests Okay, I'm no expert on public sentiment, just your average Joe. But I think I can feel some building ground swell, seeking to...

What would you do if you were judge/jury?

0 What do you do when a 6-year-old shoots his teacher? Do you lock up the parents for years? Do you try to have the child placed...

“New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System”

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System jonathanturley C-Span screengrab New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader to call for...

In Switzerland, Heating Rooms Above 19C May Be Legally Punishable

In Switzerland, Heating Rooms Above 19C May Be Legally Punishable Maybe 3 years in the slammer. “Switzerland considers JAILING anyone who heats rooms above 19C...

A big win for nuclear: Palisades plant may reopen in Michigan

A big win for nuclear: Palisades plant may reopen in Michigan BY ROBERT BRYCE, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR 09/13/22 03:00 PM ET Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, shown in...

Cow mask designed to reduce methane and slow climate change

Cow mask designed to reduce methane and slow climate change A prestigious design award has been bestowed upon an innovative cow face mask designed to...

Francis Menton challenges California and New York

Hear ye, here ye, here ye! Francis Menton challenges California and New York to prove the large and broad concept of “The All-Renewable Energy...

What is the Proper Role of the International Monetary Fund?

Should the IMF be apart of the environment debate or above it? There is something so wrong about the International Monetary Fund producing the following...

BIG Exclusives

Disproportionate tariff threats are more than mere bluster

In the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey emphasizes the importance of truly listening to others to understand...

Should scientists be advocates?

Should scientists be “dispassionate, objective, and neutral seekers of nature’s truths,” or should they feel free to advocate for causes they feel strongly about,...