A friend recently questioned me about the BIG Media site not having a lot of fresh news content every day.
I replied, “Yes, while our competitors pump out tons of low-integrity, sensationalized content on the high-pressure, click-bait-driven 24-hour news cycle, we prefer to publish stories when they are ready, usually after exhaustive research.”
We will never win the volume race, but we will consistently come out on top in quality of content. We can do that because we seek truth and reader empowerment as opposed to advertising revenue and/or political influence.
In just four months, our team of accomplished scientists (who also happen to be great writers) has brought you a new level of truth, context, and data integrity on important issues including:
- Lethality of COVID-19
- Comparison of COVID-19 to the flu
- The science of masks
- History of vaccines
- Sea-level rise
- Texas energy crisis in context
- COVID collateral – mental health crisis
- COVID collateral – overdose crisis
- 3-part series on renewable energy:
- Renewable energy – renewing hope or struggling to cope?
- Renewables Part 2: cost and economic viability
- Renewables Part 3 – assessing the technological capability of wind and solar
- Debt to GDP in the G7
- Global oil supply
- Rationality and critical thinking in the media
- Understanding science
- The meat industry
- AI – where are we and where are we going?
- Nudge theory
- WEIRD societies
- Wildlife conservation
- Polar bear population analysis
Can you spot the difference? If you do, sign up and help us be even better!
(Rob Driscoll – BIG Media Ltd., 2021)