Saturday, July 27, 2024

BIG Chuckle

It’s time to play Burst Your Bubble!

Wow – I had the best Thanksgiving weekend! An amazing turkey dinner with my family, followed by a spectacular light show performed by Mother Nature in the form of aurora borealis. In a different kind of atmospheric bombardment, my weekend also included a lot of venturing into echo chambers and detonating truth bombs. So much fun! Way back in the year 2020, you needed to have the skin of a rhinoceros to dare introduce a concept contrary...

Friends, please share your bounty with all eligible media firms

Some of you might think that I am heavily biased toward my own platform, but I actually encourage you to support every single media outlet that meets these criteria: does not accept advertising does not accept funding from special-interest groups does not have any political affiliation does not engage in sensationalism or click-bait journalism does not quote "experts" to validate ridiculous claims and theories cites data sources with web links so readers can quickly...

The Top 7 Things You Should Know

... but may not know if you get your news from mainstream or social media ... plus an answer key in the form of fact-focused (and a couple of tongue-in-cheek) articles. 7.  There is a grand total of zero giant islands (or continents) of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean.  Taking a critical look at the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ 6.  Sea level is not rising at a catastrophic level in some areas. Hint: it is one...

Mission Possible: agents needed for daring operation

Reducing divisiveness in our society may seem like Mission Impossible, but I spy an opportunity to save the world from doom. While much of humanity is on Cruise control, I am on the Hunt for a team of agents to help save our Rogue Nation. It is no longer acceptable for highly educated, rational people to sit silently on the sidelines as ill-informed influencers poison people's malleable minds with terrifying tales of climate catastrophe. It...

Please wield your superior intellect with grace

OK, so by now it is quite clear that the people who read BIG Media content regularly are always the smartest people in the room. With that in mind, we are making a polite request that you wield your superior intelligence with kindness and humility. The people who visit our rivals in the sensationalistic sphere of mainstream media are generally not aware that they are universally ill-informed regarding our society's most pressing matters. Here are some tips to...

How They Fool Ya – by Nick Driscoll

When I first wrote and performed a parody of a Leonard Cohen classic, the reviews were unanimous – I should not quit my day job. Comparisons were made not to the late, great Mr. Cohen but rather to fingernails on a chalkboard or a screeching cat. Thankfully, my oldest son Nick can carry a tune. Please enjoy his rendition of How They Fool Ya, and let me know if you think his version is an upgrade...

The 10 Journalistic Commandments

Following up on the admission of my 7 Deadly Journalistic Sins (, today I present the 10 Journalistic Commandments to which any young person entering the media industry should adhere. Now, I am not saying that running a truth-based media company for three months qualifies me to speak from the peak of Mount Sinai, but these commandments are available on your tablets, and they will be featured in my hard-cover book that will have a title...

The 6 personality types you need to know

Most of you have heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which was published as a handbook on psychological groupings in 1944. Well, 77 years is a heck of a run, but it is time for a shakeup in the science of personality. I spent dozens of minutes today formulating a new system of six psychological types that should become the de-facto Bible on personalities. I wanted to really set my ground-breaking scientific doctrine apart from the formerly...

Mountain of evidence behind workout benefits

In honour of Earth Day, I became one with nature (several times) as we shot this inspirational video. It was an expensive production as I ripped open the back of my pants during one of the skill exhibitions. We edited out my first experience with tear-away pants. As you will soon see, it is not the only way in which this promotion is a ripoff. To fully appreciate the remarkable athletic growth that came from my...

BIG Media Labs announces latest game-changing invention

While working with my team at BIG Media Labs in developing an anti-aphrodisiac that succeeded in helping me focus on work on Valentine’s Day, we stumbled upon a product that could be a game changer in the male sexual enhancement realm. Our merchandise is expensive to manufacture, so I am looking for two very affluent business leaders to invest. The product is shaped like and performs like a rocket, and it is powered by batteries, so...